Potty Training Essentials for Successful Potty Training
Published by Savannah Lloyd,
Most parents would agree that there’s no better workout than chasing toddlers. Children between the age of 1 and 3 are constantly achieving developmental milestones in how they play, speak, behave and move. They are starting to move around more, explore new objects and people and get more aware of themselves. Learning to use the toilet is another important milestone that your toddler needs to achieve.

Until they're around 20 months old, toddlers still pee frequently, but once they can stay dry for an hour or two, it’s a sign that they’re developing bladder control and are becoming physically ready for potty training. Your little one might also start to broadcast peeing and pooping by verbalising or showing you through his facial expression.
One way to make it easier for you and your child is to decide ahead of time whether you want him or her to learn on a toddler potty or a toilet insert. Whatever your choice is, eventually, everything will click, and one day your little one will be fully potty trained. If you want to skip cleaning messes, training seats might help you with that cause.
Skip Cleaning out of Potties with Training Seats
Many toddlers between the ages of 18 and 24 months show signs of being ready for potty training. Some toddlers might be around the age of 3 when they are ready. It’s important to remember that all kids are different and not to push your child and be patient. If you start too early, it might take longer to train your child. When you notice that your little one is having a dry nappy for longer than usual, starts pulling a wet or dirty nappy, hides to pee and pop and understands bathroom lingo, you have got yourself a potty training candidate.
Instead of cleaning the potty after every use, many parents have discovered the advantages of training seats. Even if you already use a potty, you can still make the transition to the toilet seat. A toddler toilet seat is a small ring that sits on top of the adult toilet seat to make the adult toilet easier for a child to use. When not in use, it can be stored elsewhere, and the toilet can be used by the adult. These practical items are so simple to use that even a toddler can learn to put them on. You can find cute and good quality training seats in different colours and fun styles, so your little one can have one in his favourite colour and character.

Modern potty training seats are so lightweight and easy to use that you simply pack them away, and take them with you, whenever you and your toddler are visiting somebody else’s home or another public space. With a toddler potty seat, your little one can get used to being on the toilet from the start and the process of washing hands in the basin and wiping from the toilet roll. One of the greatest advantages that every busy parent appreciates is that you don’t have to clean potties and potty chairs -all you need to do is flush.
Combine Little Step Stools with Training Seats
If you decide on buying a toilet seat for training, you also need a little step stool to help your little one access the toilet easily. Potty chairs can be bought together with training seats, but they are also sold separately. These user-friendly items are essential for toddlers who are learning how to use a training seat. They also come in so many different colours and with different characters that make it easy to match with the training seat.
Another important thing to remember is to always leave a toilet training stool at the foot of the toilet. When it’s time to go, you just need to explain to the child to step up on the potty stool and onto their toilet training seat. Be patient and have in mind that it may take a few attempts before your little one gets it right, but once they get the hang of it, they’ll soon be able to do it without your help.

Handle Bedwetting Accidents with Brolly Sheets
Once your little one is fully potty trained, you might get prepared for when bedwetting accidents happen. Special bedwetting sheets are available to protect the mattress when your little one is enjoying his nappy free time. These waterproof covers are also an ideal solution for breastfeeding in bed. The highest quality waterproof sheets are made with a 100 % cotton soft top and a quiet and breathable middle layer that has super absorbent qualities holding up to 2 litres. They are available in a plethora of styles and sizes, providing extra coverage for every bed.
Tips on How to Make Potty Training Fun
When your peanut starts potty training, it might be a good idea to read about that first. There’re a lot of cute and fun apps too that can help kids understand and get excited about potty training. You can give your child ownership of the experience by allowing him to choose their training seat and stool. For the first days of potty training, you can set a timer every 20-30 minutes and go to the bathroom. Sticker charts are always a great way to motivate kids, and you can start out giving stickers each time your child goes potty.