How Baby Carriers Can Benefit You and Your Little One?
Published by Savannah Lloyd,
Looking for a way to make your life as a new parent easier? A baby carrier is what you need. An infant baby carrier is basically a soft padded carrier that you wear on your front. Adjustable models also allow you to wear your baby on your back or hip. Aside from offering you the practicality of having your hands free to accomplish other tasks, carriers for baby allow parents to enjoy a number of other key benefits. Let's take a look at a few of them.

Carrying your baby in a carrier allows you to walk around freely without having to worry about dealing with steps, crowds or narrow aisles, as with strollers. It is true that car seats are removable but they are also heavy and awkward for parents, and babies often look uncomfortable on them. A carrier is also helpful for blocking out excess stimuli when breastfeeding a distractible baby, and it makes nursing in public places discreet. A carrier can also be used as a changing pad, and cushion when away from home. Parents find carriers for baby especially handy when navigating busy airports with a small child and several bags.
Promoted Physical Development
When a baby is carried close to his mother, he is in tune with the sound of her heartbeat, the rhythm of her breathing, and the movements his mother makes - walking, reaching and bending. This stimulation helps the child to regulate his own physical responses and exercises his vestibular system, which controls balance. The carrier is, in essence, a 'transitional womb' for the baby, who has not yet learned to control his bodily movements and functions. A study has found that premature babies who are touched and held gain weight faster and are healthier than babies who are not. Mechanical swings do not provide the same benefits.
Babies Worn in Carriers are Happier
Research has reported that the more babies are held, the less they fuss and cry. In cultures where baby-wearing is the norm, such as with indigenous cultures, babies tend cry for only a few minutes a day. The same doesn't happen to Western babies, who often cry for hours each day. Crying is stressing for both the baby and parents and may cause long-term damage as the baby's developing brain is continually flooded with stress hormones. Babies who don't spend their energy on crying calmly observe and actively learn about their environment.

It Healthy for Mums Too
It can be challenging for new parents to find time to exercise. By carrying your baby around with you most of the day or go for a brisk walk with your baby in the carrier, you will be enjoying both benefits of walking and weightlifting. An outdoor walk in the carrier can also be a great way to help a tired but over-stimulated baby fall asleep.
Sence of Security
Carriers are usually associated with infants, but they can be useful for toddlers as well. Some carriers accommodate children up to 15 kilos. The world can be a scary place for toddlers, who feel more confident in the security of the carrier. It is easy for toddle to become over-stimulated, and a ride in the carrier helps to soothe and comfort them before or after a melt-down occurs.
Stimulates Communication
The more confidence you have in your parenting, the more you can relax and enjoy your child. Being able to read your baby's cue successfully plays a great hole in feeling confident as a parent. When you hold your baby close in a carrier, you become finely attuned to his gesture and facial expression. Every time your baby is able to let you know that he is hungry, bored or wet without crying, his trust in your increase, his learning is increased, and your confidence is reinforced. This cycle of positive interaction increases the mutual attachment between your and your child, making like more enjoyable for everyone.
Who doesn't love to cuddle a cute little baby? Your child will also feel more a part of your life when he is in his carrier, and you will find yourself becoming more and more enhanced with this special little person.

What to Consider When Buying a Carrier
Does the carrier fit you? Different carrier brands come in different sizes. In order to choose one that is right for you, consider your shoulder width, bust and length of the torso. Keep in mind that a brand or size that is perfect for a friend may not be the best one for you.
How easy is to adjust the carrier? Most carriers have rings that allow for tightening and loosening by pulling excess fabric through. The sling will be pulled snugly for an infant and loosed over time as the baby grows.
Check the padding. Some parent like a carrier with padding, while others do not. Take the time to look at different styles and choose the one that works best for you.